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NBFC Tool Kit

Tool kit for NBFC, to automate Reporting, finance and compliance.


Finance function of NBFC's face multiple challenges, of which a few of them are difficulty in keeping up with changing regulations, huge amount of data being analysed, and ever changing financial reporting requirements. Our solutions for NBFC's are meant to solve these problems


Compliance management software, that allows you to be on top of all of your compliance requirements. A few feature includes auto reminders, work allocation among departments and ready to use non compliance report. ONUS also works as a repository for checklists and compliance documents.

MIS Framework

Data Analytics frameworks, prepared specifically for NBFC's helps the finance department to keep tab on the numbers, without bothering about the volume of data. The framework provides actionable, crisp information that helps CXO and Management to understand the financial position in the quickest way ever possible!

Ind AS Tool

Our Ind AS Tool helps NBFCs automate their Ind AS calculations. All you have to do is connect to your data base and click a refresh! You get the journal entries on your screen.

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